Surrogacy: Surrogacy is a form of third-party reproduction in which a woman consents to carry a pregnancy for intended parent(s) who cannot conceive for medical reasons or those who are a gay couple. Surrogacy is a method wherein the fertilized egg is planted inside the womb of a surrogate female who carries the pregnancy to term. Strictly, only fertilized eggs (embryos) are transferred into the womb of a surrogate known as gestational surrogacy. Who Needs Surrogacy?
Absent Uterus due to hysterectomy, or congenital absence of the uterus.
Defective Uterus (such as unicornuate uterus).
Poor Endometrium Lining.
Repeated IVF failures.
Recurrent abortions not amenable to treatment.
Severe medical conditions incompatible with pregnancy.
Single parents.
Surrogacy Process: Upon selection of a surrogate, the egg provider’s cycles are synced with the surrogate. This means that the preparation of the surrogate’s endometrial lining and the injections for egg stimulation to the egg provider is carried out simultaneously. The collection of the eggs is done usually between 10 – 14 days of stimulation, and fertilized with the husband’s healthy sperms. The fertilized eggs (embryos) are then transferred into the surrogate’s uterus 3 – 5 days after this. The pregnancy test is carried out 2 weeks later. Excess and healthy embryos are frozen for transference later (if necessary).